(866) 660-0149   |   info@fglct.com

Advanced Gas Lift Compression Technologies

Optimization of Gas Lift Compression Operations

Combining the capabilities of two proven companies in gas lift compression – Flatrock Gas Compression and Liftrock Integrated Lift Services – Flatrock Gas Lift Compression Technologies* is setting a new standard for gas lift compression technology, performance, and reliability.

The company’s Flatrock Compression operation has provided gas lift compression rental services to the Permian and Eagle Ford Basins for over 20 years. Flatrock’s compression rental fleet includes 3-stage compressors from 145hp to 1,340hp for use in both single- and multi-well applications.

The company’s Liftrock Integrated Lift Services operation offers the Maximizer™ Gas Lift Optimization Skid, which effectively decreases compressor shutdown events, reduces methane emissions, and cuts gas lift facility construction cost and time.

Headed up by an experienced team, the Liftrock group also offers a broad range of gas lift compression services and solutions. These service offerings can include turnkey design of gas lift compression systems, design and implementation of automation systems, and configuration and installation of various electrical systems.
*Flatrock Gas Lift Compression Technologies is a DBA of Flatrock Compression Holdings LLC.


Providing best-in-class solutions and services to the energy industry by prioritizing our employees’ well-being and growth, resulting in the highest level of return to our shareholders.


Setting the benchmark of excellence in compression solutions and services against which all others are measured.

Core Values

We are focused on maintaining a consistent “stride,” which we define as a decisive step forward in progress,


Committed to ensuring the safety of our employees, customers, and communities.


Building trust and respect through honesty, consistency, reliability, and open communication.


Taking accountability for our actions, equipment, and our fellow team members.


Collaborate with our employees and customers to define and achieve shared goals.


Investing in our employees by fostering a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring the best possible value for our customers.


Committed to minimizing our environmental impact through sustainable practices and innovative solutions.